Does nuxeo support CAS single sign out ?
Jackie Ju
2010-06-17 23:36:02 UTC

My nuxeo was configured to autheticate by CAS proxy-ticket. The CAS single
sign-on works perfect.
Now we need to make nuxeo auto-logout when user logout from CAS. But I don't
know whether CAS single sign-out solution is the right way, because nuxeo
seems using cookie to maintain session. And does nuxeo support CAS single
sign-out ? Or does nuxeo has some other solution to do this ?

Really appreciate if anyone give help on this.
Thank you very much !
Best Regards,
Jackie Ju
Thierry Delprat
2010-06-17 23:55:19 UTC

If I remember well, you can configure Nuxeo to logout from CAS when
you use the Nuxeo Logout
See the logoutUrl parameter in the CAS2Plugin

If what you want is logout from Nuxeo when you logout from CAS server
directly, I don't know mechanism are provided by CAS server for that.
Since Nuxeo DM use HTTP Session and cookie, call to nuxeo logout url
has to be made from the client's browser ...

If you can explain how you would like it to work, may be we can help.

Post by Jackie Ju
My nuxeo was configured to autheticate by CAS proxy-ticket. The CAS single
sign-on works perfect.
Now we need to make nuxeo auto-logout when user logout from CAS. But I don't
know whether CAS single sign-out solution is the right way, because nuxeo
seems using cookie to maintain session. And does nuxeo support CAS single
sign-out ? Or does nuxeo has some other solution to do this ?
Really appreciate if anyone give help on this.
Thank you very much !
Best Regards,
Jackie Ju
ECM mailing list
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Jackie Ju
2010-06-18 00:23:34 UTC
Hi Thierry,

Many thanks for your help !

We use CAS as single sign-on solution. Nuxeo is used by our main
application, and configured to be authenticated by cas proxy-ticket
After user login CAS and trying to use nuxeo, application will generate
proxy ticket and pass to nuxeo in url (e.g. http://hostname:port
http://localhost:8280/nuxeo), then nuxeo know who is logging in, by the
nuxeo cas2 plug-in.
That's the way we use nuxeo.

But now the problem is, when user logout from our main application( actually
logout from CAS), nuxeo still can be access with this session, which is
leading security problem.

So what do think the best way to solve it ?

Thanks again.
Post by Thierry Delprat
If I remember well, you can configure Nuxeo to logout from CAS when
you use the Nuxeo Logout
See the logoutUrl parameter in the CAS2Plugin
If what you want is logout from Nuxeo when you logout from CAS server
directly, I don't know mechanism are provided by CAS server for that.
Since Nuxeo DM use HTTP Session and cookie, call to nuxeo logout url
has to be made from the client's browser ...
If you can explain how you would like it to work, may be we can help.
Post by Jackie Ju
My nuxeo was configured to autheticate by CAS proxy-ticket. The CAS
Post by Jackie Ju
sign-on works perfect.
Now we need to make nuxeo auto-logout when user logout from CAS. But I
Post by Jackie Ju
know whether CAS single sign-out solution is the right way, because nuxeo
seems using cookie to maintain session. And does nuxeo support CAS single
sign-out ? Or does nuxeo has some other solution to do this ?
Really appreciate if anyone give help on this.
Thank you very much !
Best Regards,
Jackie Ju
ECM mailing list
To unsubscribe, go to http://lists.nuxeo.com/mailman/options/ecm
Best Regards,
Jackie Ju